Only forty miles from New York City, The Mianus is a 1000 acre island of forest and fields in Suburban Westchester and Fairfield Counties, a rare surviving remnant of this original primeval forest. The Gorge is the first land project of the Nature Conservancy. It is also the nation’s first registered Natural History landmark, as designated by the Federal Government in 1964.
To mark the 60th anniversary of the Mianus River Gorge, William Abranowicz was given unrestricted access and commissioned to photograph the Gorge through four seasons. Using the work of Elliot Porter and Ansel Adams as a guide, Abranowicz documented the micro and macro landscapes of this east coast old growth forest and the pristine river forming the deep gorge through New York and Connecticut.
Proceeds on the sale of the book and prints form the book benefit The Mianus River Gorge.